2015_02_13_Letter to George Mehnert encl. Yavapai-Apache Nation's Submission of Evidence re Navigability of Verde River (ANSAC 04-009-NAV).pdf

YAN-2_Biological Opinion Survey - CAP Water Assignment-Cottonwood Water Works, Inc. and Camp Verde Water System, Inc. to City of Scottsdale.pdf

YAN-4_Channel Change Along the Rillito Creek System of Southeastern Arizona 1941 through 1983-Implications for Floodplain Management.pdf

YAN-6_Arizona's Changing Rivers - How People Have Affected The Rivers (EXCERPT).pdf

YAN-8_A Report on Barracks and Hospitals, with Descriptions of Military Posts (EXCERPT).pdf

YAN-1_Affidavit of Vincent Randall.pdf

YAN-3_CiƩnegas - Vanishing Climax Communities of the American Southwest.pdf

YAN-5_Fremont Cottonwood-Goodding Willow Riparian Forests - A Review of Their Ecology, Threats, and Recovery Potential.pdf

YAN-7_A Report on the Hygiene of the United States Army, with Descriptions of Military Posts, dated 1875 (EXCERPT).pdf